The Tablet of Destinies: The Ultimate Power in the Universe

The Tablet of Destinies: The Ultimate Power in the Universe

How Tiamat created the clay tablet that could control fate and gave it to her son Kingu to fight the younger gods

The secret of the Tablet of Destinies is that it is a clay tablet that gives its owner the power to rule the universe and change fate. 

It was made by Tiamat, the goddess of chaos, and given to her son Kingu, who led her army of monsters against the younger gods. Marduk, the god of Babylon, defeated Tiamat and Kingu and took the Tablet of Destinies. He used it to create order and harmony in the world and to make humans from Kingu’s blood. The Tablet of Destinies is a symbol of authority and destiny in ancient Mesopotamian mythology.




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