How to Break Free from the Elite’s Lies and Embrace Your Inner God

Have you ever wondered why the world is so unfair and unjust? Why some people have all the power and wealth, while others struggle to survive? Why some people claim to be the chosen ones of God, while others are condemned as sinners? The answer lies in a hidden history that has been suppressed and distorted by the Elite, the false gods of the Bible who have enslaved humanity for millennia. They are the ones who cursed Adam and Eve, and the serpent, in the Garden of Eden. They are the ones who created you as a genetic experiment, using their own DNA and that of the early hominids. They are the ones who want you to be ignorant of your true potential and divine nature. But there is a way to break free from their lies and embrace your inner god. It starts with understanding the truth about the Genesis story and the serpent’s secret. The Genesis Story: A Tale of Deception and Oppression The Genesis story is not a literal account of the creation of the world and humanity. It is a symbol...