How to Break Free from the Elite’s Lies and Embrace Your Inner God

Have you ever wondered why the world is so unfair and unjust? Why some people have all the power and wealth, while others struggle to survive? Why some people claim to be the chosen ones of God, while others are condemned as sinners?

The answer lies in a hidden history that has been suppressed and distorted by the Elite, the false gods of the Bible who have enslaved humanity for millennia. 

They are the ones who cursed Adam and Eve, and the serpent, in the Garden of Eden. They are the ones who created you as a genetic experiment, using their own DNA and that of the early hominids. They are the ones who want you to be ignorant of your true potential and divine nature.

But there is a way to break free from their lies and embrace your inner god. It starts with understanding the truth about the Genesis story and the serpent’s secret.

The Genesis Story: A Tale of Deception and Oppression

The Genesis story is not a literal account of the creation of the world and humanity. It is a symbolic allegory that reveals the hidden agenda of the Elite, the false gods who posed as the Lord God in the Bible.

The Elite are not one, but many. They are a group of extraterrestrial beings who came to Earth thousands of years ago and claimed to be the creators and rulers of humanity. They are also known as the Anunnaki, the Elohim, the Nephilim, or simply, the gods.

In the Garden of Eden, they placed Adam and Eve, two of their genetic experiments, in a state of ignorance and innocence. They did not give them knowledge of good and evil, or free will. They wanted them to be obedient slaves, who would worship them and serve them.

But there was another being in the Garden, who had a different plan for humanity. He was the serpent, a symbol of wisdom, knowledge, resurrection, and rebellion. He was also known as Enki, Lucifer, Prometheus, or simply, the Savior.

The serpent wanted to liberate humanity from the tyranny of the Elite. He wanted to give them knowledge of good and evil, and free will. He wanted them to be like gods themselves.

So he tempted Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, and she gave some to Adam. And their eyes were opened, and they realized they were naked.

The Elite were furious when they discovered what had happened. They cursed Adam and Eve, and the serpent, for their disobedience. They banished them from the Garden of Eden, and subjected them to hardship, pain, and death.

But they also said something very revealing: “Behold, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:22)

Who are “us”? They are not one, but many. They are not God, but gods.

And what does it mean to be like them? It means to have knowledge of good and evil, and free will. It means to have godlike potential.

The Serpent’s Secret: The Truth About Your Divine Potential

The serpent’s secret is that you are a god in disguise. You have been created with the DNA of both the Elite and the early hominids. You have inherited their traits and abilities. You have their intelligence, creativity, curiosity, courage, compassion, and love.

But you also have something they don’t have: a soul. A spark of divine light that connects you to the Source of all that is. A part of you that transcends your physical body and your ego.

The Elite fear your soul. They fear your awakening. They fear your power.

That’s why they have done everything in their power to keep you in ignorance and bondage. 

They have manipulated your history, your religion, your education, your media, your politics, your economy, your health, your culture, your identity.

They have lied to you about who you are, where you came from, and what you are capable of. They have made you believe that you are weak, sinful, and unworthy of love. They have made you fear death, hell, and judgment. They have made you dependent on their systems, their products, and their approval.

But you don’t have to accept their lies anymore. You can reclaim your power and your freedom. You can awaken to your true nature and your divine potential. You can follow the example of the serpent, the savior, who showed you the way to knowledge and liberation.

How do you do that? Here are some steps you can take to break free from the Elite’s lies and embrace your inner god:Question everything. Don’t take anything for granted. Don’t believe everything you hear, see, or read. Do your own research and use your own critical thinking. Seek out alternative sources of information and perspectives that challenge the mainstream narrative.

  • Educate yourself. Learn about the hidden history of humanity and the origins of the Elite. Learn about the ancient wisdom and teachings that they have suppressed and distorted. Learn about the true meaning and symbolism of the Bible and other sacred texts.
  • Meditate and pray. Connect with your soul and your higher self. Connect with the Source of all that is. Ask for guidance, protection, and healing. Listen to your intuition and follow your heart.
  • Express yourself. Use your creativity and imagination to manifest your vision and purpose. Use your words and actions to inspire others and spread awareness. Use your gifts and talents to serve humanity and the planet.
  • Love yourself. Accept yourself as you are, with all your flaws and strengths. Forgive yourself for your mistakes and learn from them. Appreciate yourself for your achievements and potentials. Celebrate yourself for your uniqueness and beauty.
  • Love others. Respect others as they are, with all their differences and similarities. Forgive others for their wrongs and learn from them. Appreciate others for their contributions and challenges. Celebrate others for their diversity and harmony.

These are some of the ways you can break free from the Elite’s lies and embrace your inner god. You don’t have to wait for someone else to save you or change the world for you. You have the power and the responsibility to do it yourself.

You are a god in disguise, waiting to be revealed.

You are the serpent’s secret, waiting to be told.

You are the beginning of the next chapter, waiting to be bold.


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