The Forbidden Gospels: How Ancient Secrets Can Transform Your Faith

Are you an Orthodox Christian who wants to deepen your understanding of your faith and discover the hidden mysteries of God? If so, you might be interested in learning about Gnosticism, a branch of early Christianity that was suppressed and banned by the mainstream church. Gnosticism is based on the teachings of some of the most ancient and authentic gospels, which reveal shocking and fascinating truths about Jesus, his disciples, and his message. But why were these gospels forbidden? What do they reveal? And how can they help you grow spiritually?

Gnosticism is a term that refers to a variety of religious movements that emerged in the first centuries after Christ. The word comes from the Greek gnosis, which means “knowledge”. Gnostics believed that they had access to a special, hidden knowledge that could liberate them from the bondage of the material world and bring them closer to God. They claimed that this knowledge was transmitted by Jesus himself, who was not only a human prophet, but also a divine messenger who came to reveal the true nature of God and humanity.

The Gnostics wrote many gospels, or accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus, that were different from the ones we find in the New Testament. Some of these gospels are named after Jesus’ disciples, such as Thomas, Philip, Mary Magdalene, Judas, and Peter. Others are named after themes or concepts, such as Truth, Wisdom, Faith, and Secret. These gospels contain stories, sayings, dialogues, visions, and revelations that are not found in the canonical gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

However, these gospels were not accepted by the mainstream church, which considered them heretical and dangerous. The church leaders wanted to establish a uniform and orthodox doctrine that would unify all Christians under their authority. They also wanted to eliminate any competition or challenge to their power and influence. Therefore, they condemned the Gnostics as false teachers and enemies of the true faith. They ordered their followers to destroy their writings and persecute their communities.

Some of the most influential figures who opposed Gnosticism were Constantine and King James. Constantine was the Roman emperor who converted to Christianity in the fourth century and made it the official religion of the empire. He convened the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, which decided on the core beliefs of Christianity and rejected any alternative views. He also ordered the burning of any books that contradicted his version of Christianity. King James was the king of England who commissioned the translation of the Bible into English in the seventeenth century. He also had a strong interest in controlling the interpretation of the scriptures and suppressing any dissenting voices. He banned any translations or versions of the Bible that differed from his own.

As a result of these actions, many of the Gnostic gospels were lost or hidden for centuries. They were considered lost until 1945, when a collection of ancient manuscripts was discovered near Nag Hammadi in Egypt. These manuscripts contained 52 texts, including many Gnostic gospels that had never been seen before. They were translated and published in various languages, sparking a renewed interest and debate among scholars and seekers alike.

But what do these gospels reveal? And how can they transform your faith? Here are some examples:

  • The Gospel of Thomas claims to be a collection of 114 secret sayings of Jesus that he spoke to his disciple Thomas. Some of these sayings are similar to those found in the New Testament, but others are completely different and mysterious. For example: “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” (Saying 70)
  • The Gospel of Philip is a mystical text that explores the nature of Christ, the sacraments, and the spiritual union between male and female. It also contains some controversial statements about Jesus’ relationship with Mary Magdalene, whom he loved more than any other disciple and kissed often on her mouth. (Saying 63)
  • The Gospel of Mary Magdalene is a dialogue between Mary Magdalene and the other disciples after Jesus’ resurrection. It shows how Mary Magdalene was a prominent leader and teacher among the early Christians, who received special revelations from Jesus. It also shows how she faced opposition and jealousy from some of the male disciples, especially Peter, who questioned her authority and legitimacy. (Chapter 9)
  • The Gospel of Judas is a shocking text that portrays Judas Iscariot as the most faithful disciple of Jesus, who betrayed him at his request. It shows how Jesus revealed to Judas some secrets about God, creation, and destiny that he did not share with anyone else. It also shows how Judas helped Jesus to escape from his mortal body and return to his divine realm. (Chapter 3)

These are just some of the examples of the Gnostic gospels that can offer you a new perspective and insight into your faith. By reading these gospels, you can learn more about the historical and cultural context of early Christianity, the diversity and richness of its beliefs and practices, and the hidden and suppressed voices of its followers. You can also discover new aspects of Jesus’ personality, message, and mission, that can challenge and inspire you to follow him more closely and authentically. You can also explore your own spiritual potential and identity, and find out how you can connect with God in a deeper and more personal way.

If you are interested in learning more about Gnosticism and the Gnostic gospels, you can start by reading some of the books and articles that I have listed at the end of this article. You can also join some online forums or groups that discuss these topics and share your thoughts and questions with others. You can also visit some websites or museums that display some of the original manuscripts or copies of the Gnostic gospels. You can also watch some documentaries or movies that depict some of the stories or characters from these gospels.

But whatever you do, don’t be afraid to explore these ancient secrets that have been hidden for so long. They might just change your life. [1]


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